Tuesday, April 26, 2011

outside looking in

i apologise if my last couple of blog posts are sad but it's how i feel.
life is a battlefield and you just have to battle through it.
everything is so temporary.
nothing lasts forever. i'm happy i've got a girlfriend who loves me.
i want to breathe in the open wind.
it takes a second to say love but it takes a lifetime to prove it. you try so hard to shut the feelings out.
i'm not crying over it.
but i'm feeling my life is a temporary thing.
i'm tired of people telling me what to do and trying to live up to their expectations. FUCK OFF!
this is my life. not yours so don't worry about what I do.
and that causes arguments.
normally i do say fuck you, it's my life.

i need someone who won't give up on me no matter how hard i try to push them away.
i love you too much.
i hate that feeling when you have absolutely nothing to smile about. i hate it, it's a painful feeling. i know what that's like.
it's hard to stay positive when nothing ever goes right.
i want a hug from you.
i need a hug from you.
i've been broken before. i know what it's like to not to be able to smile.

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