Sunday, April 24, 2011

never look back

i'm in desperate need of a hug right now.
no one understands.
no one understands how i'm feeling.
outside looking in.
i miss you more than i can say.
i love you more than i can say. it practically means everything to me.
the whole world.
nothing can stop this, not now i love you. they're not gonna get. ranting again. gets everything out properly.
i want to cry for you, i miss you so much. but you told me you can now listen to all the sad songs in this world without any tears because i'm making you so happy. i'm exactly the same way.
god has blessed me with an absolute angel.
an amazing girl.
in my dreams, it's me and you.

i feel alone without you.
i feel you closer to me even though you're not. you're nowhere near. my life is complete because of you. i want you here. i love you. nothing compares to you. i've definitely fallen in love with you.
i'm just trying to explain what's in my head.
once you fall in love, it's great.
i want to shout, scream, kick the walls and do things i shouldn't. but i said i won't do it.
like i said in my post last night, no one can ever possibly understand what i'm feeling.
i'm writing to explain it all to you.
just remember babygirl, no one will ever take away my love for you.

i just wish you were right by my side, watching me sleep at night. i adore that feeling. i miss you so much, it's like a physical ache in my chest sometimes. i guess that's how much i love you.
our love will never fade away. i need you, even though you're miles away from whenever i need you.
i just want you here. i'm writing to you to try and understand a bit easier. you understand me more than anyone.
and i love you for it with all my heart.

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