Monday, July 6, 2009

Rupert Grint - Harry Potter's Ron Weasley Got Swine Flu

Rupert Grint - Harry Potter Ron WeasleyRupert Grint, young actor who acted as Ron Weasley from Harry Potter the movie, reported be positive infected of swine flu and he fell ill three days before the premiere of the latest Harry Potter movie in London, UK.

As quoted from news Australia (AAP), Sunday (5 / 7), Grint had a few days off from taking pictures for the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. However, Grint will most likely be still attend the premiere of latest series of Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Tuesday (7 / 7).

"Yes. Rupert Grint has confirmed infected of mild swine flu," said Grint's publicist through a written statement released Saturday. Reportedly, Grint condition now improved and will be joining the other players in the inaugural event. He will then immediately continue his film shoots.

Rupert Grint's Publicist asserts that the absent of this 20-year-old actors from film shooting, did not disrupt the process of the movie making .

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will begin showing in European cinemas on 15 July, while in the United States and Japan two days after that.

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