Monday, July 6, 2009

Angelina Jolie is Hollywood's top earning actress 2009

Angelina jolie Wanted The Movie
Angelina Jolie is Hollywood's top earning actress 2009.

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie has topped Forbes magazine's annual list of Hollywood's Top-Earning Actresses by banking $27 million in the past year to beat out her partner Brad Pitt's ex-wife Jennifer Aniston, who raked in $25 million.

In a statement, the Forbes magazine said: "Most of Angelina's earnings came from her profits shares from her action in film 'Wanted', but she also scored a fat upfront cheque for film 'Salt', an action film originally slated to star Tom Cruise, in which Jolie plays a CIA agent who is accused of being a Russian spy."

Meryl Streep with her film 'Mamma Mia' was placed third with an income of $24 million, while 'Sex and the City' actress Sarah Jessica Parker came fourth with $23 million in earnings.

Cameron Diaz was ranked fifth generating $20 million, while Reese Witherspoon and Sandra Bullock tied for sixth place after making $15 million each. Nicole Kidman and Drew Barrymore tied for eighth place, followed by Renee Zellweger.

The magazine compiled the list after speaking to agents, managers, producers and lawyers. said it spoke to agents, managers, producers and lawyers to work out what actresses were paid upfront for movies they are currently shooting and what pay they might have earned after a movie hit the theaters. Money earned from perfume or clothing lines was also taken into account.

As usual, the actresses earned significantly less than their male counterparts. This year's top-earning actor Harrison Ford earned $65 million, $38 million more than Angelina.

The top 10 actors earned a combined total of $393 million, compared with the actress' earnings of $183 million.

Forbes magazine's top 10 Top-Earning Actresses of 2009:

1. Angelina Jolie, $27 million

2. Jennifer Aniston, $25 million

3. Meryl Streep, $24 million

4. Sarah Jessica Parker, $23 million

5. Cameron Diaz, $20 million

6. Sandra Bullock, $15 million

6. Reese Witherspoon, $15 million

8. Nicole Kidman, $12 million

8. Drew Barrymore, $12 million

10. Renee Zellweger, $10 million

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