Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kangen Band Has Disbanded?

Kangen BandThe rumors about Kangen Band has disband because from several times of their shows, one of the main personel and also the guitarist of this pop-genre band, Dodi, never took to appear. But apparently the issue is not correct at all.

"His wife was on contraction for their second child. But it has not been born yet, he was accompanied his wife ," says vocalist of Kangen Band, Andika when met at the Studio Penta, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta.

Andika told, Dodi's wife pregnancy has reached 8 months. Thus, possibly for a month Dodi will not joins the shows with Kangen Band. Issues of the disperse of Kangen Band, according to Andika has make them uncomfortable. "Yes we thought about that when we were hang out. But it's ok, the rumors will be disappears by it self," he said.

Without the presence of Dodi, they are determined to keep the solidity of Kangen Band. "Hopefully we can be eternal until whenever," Andika said.

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