Thursday, January 7, 2010

Venice Vacations Guide Shyla

A young Pakistani settled abroad Shyla is our new member. She is looking glorious and much attractive as Pakistanis are. She share few lines in respect of Venice that O Sole Mio! This romantic call echoing out from the gondolas in Venice has stirred many a couch potato to pull on his backpack and get over to Venice. Countless films featuring the canals, gondolas and bridges in Venice have no doubt evoked a strong interest in a visit to Venice. One of the most romantic cities in Europe beckons. Read on!

Shyla share some words about history that when the Roman Empire collapsed in the 5-6th Century, some inhabitants from the mainland escaped to the semi swampy area that slowly grew into Venice. Slowly, the numbers of inhabitants grew and every island in the area was occupied and the distinctive character of the city emerged. However, it was only in 1866 AD that the city merged with the Kingdom of Italy.

In the meantime, Venice is the ideal holiday spot. Its rich history and intricate system of waterways and walkways mean there is a surprise around every corner. Venice is a place you can visit many times and not discover all its secrets. Many affordable hotel rooms and timeshares for rent are available right in the city so travellers can immediately enjoy all Venice has to offer!

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