Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mbah Surip Died Caused Of Tiredness

Mbah Surip Died At 60Strong allegations causes of Urip Ariyanto or familiarly called Mbah Surip died because of exhaustion. "Maybe a pattern of eat that does not regular while the schedule of Mbah Surip performances was so tight," explained Al Moenir Rahmat, executive producer Playlist SCTV when contacted by phone at home of comedian Mamiek Prakoso in Kampung Makassar, East Jakarta, on Tuesday (4 / 8) afternoon.

Moenir explanation based on the letter of visum from Health Education Center of Armed Forces Hospital (Pusdikkes) Kramat Jati, East Jakarta. News circulating mentions Mbah Surip hitchhike a motorcycle drove by Mamiek Prakoso. However Moenir oppugn the incident become the cause of the death of this "Tak Gendong" singer.

"His stomach was nauseas only," added Moenir. Mbah Surip leaving four children and four grandchildren. Mbah Surip died in a trip to the Pusdikkes hospital, this morning around 10:30 o clock.

Before being taken to the hospital says Mbah Surip was taken to Mamiek's home. Until now remains of Mbah Surip who was born in Mojokerto, East Java, 6 May 1949 is not yet known where will be buried.

Phenomenal singer, Mbah Surip took his last breath at the bounce in popularity with hit song "Tak Gendong". The song is familiar in the ears of children to adults. Deceased easily recognized with regae stylish appearance - a flow of original Jamaican music, but Mbah Surip had confessed that he is not a fans of regae figure, Bob Marley.

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